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Do Mermaids Exist? Japanese Scientists Are Investigating The Mysterious Mermaid Mummy

Are mermaids real? Japanese Scientists Investigating Mermaid Mummy that has long been revered at a shrine in Okayama Prefecture and is now being investigated by the government.

Author:Dr. Felix Chaosphere
Reviewer:Xander Oddity
Mar 18, 2022
Japanese Scientists Investigating Mermaid Mummythat has long been revered at a shrine in Okayama Prefecture and is now being investigated by the government.

Who Discovered Mermaids?

Christopher Columbus sighted three sirens or mermaids (Spanish: serena) off the coast of Hispaniola in 1493, which he described as "not as beautiful as they are portrayed" due to certain masculine traits in their faces, although they are thought to be observations of manatees and it arises a question are mermaids real?
The "Japanese mermaid mummy,"which stands around 1 foot tall and has an upper-body that appears to be human and a bottom body that appears to be a fishtail, has gained its nickname because of its appearance.
A terrifying grimace of a screaming kid has been preserved on the face of a 300-year-old mummy, which has kept its nails, teeth, and hair throughout the centuries.
Taking the artifact out of the wooden box where it had been placed inside the school's veterinary hospital for an inspection on Feb. 2, Kozen Kuida, the top priest of Enjuin temple in the city of Asakuchi, brought it to the veterinary hospital for examination.
It was reported by the Asahi Shimbun that the head priest had said, "We have worshipped it in the hope that it will help ease the coronavirus outbreak, even if only somewhat." In the hopes of leaving (scientific) records for future generations, I am doing this study endeavor.
"I love how in-depth and professional Japan can be. They’re studying from multiple perspectives. And to be able to do research on a possession owned by a religious place like this temple usually isn’t often allowed to this extent in other parts of the world is it?"
_junoflow115 (Reddit)
According to Kuida, the mummy has been on public display for nearly 40 years before it was recently moved to a fireproof safe to ensure that it would not decay further.
According to a letter found within the box, the enigmatic creature was caught in a fishing net off the coast of Tosa Province (now Kochi Prefecture) between 1736 and 1741 and taken to a museum.
After the turn of the Meiji Era (1868-1912), the mummy was passed on to a number of different owners until being bought by the Enjuin shrine.
Mermaid mummy in a wooden coffin
Mermaid mummy in a wooden coffin
According to the Independent, the mummified artifact is thought to have been part of a huge European trade in the early 1700s.
Human-like physiology, such as hair strands and nails, are included in the mummies.
Although the creature's shape resembled that of a human, specialists are baffled as to why it has scales on its lower body.

Scientists Are Attempting To Unravel The Enigma Of 300-Year-Old Mummified Mermaid

In order to gain a better understanding of the remains, a range of scholarly views will be used.
A 54-year-old board member of the Okayama Folklore Society will perform a folklore study of the item, while Takafumi Kato, a 54-year-old professor of paleontology, will examine the upper body of the artifact for morphological evidence of its prehistoric ancestors.
The lower body of the fish-like creature will be studied by an associate professor who specializes in ichthyology, and the DNA analysis will be carried out by an associate professor who has experience in molecular biology.
The findings of the researchers investigating the mermaid mummy are expected to be released in the fall of this year.


Japanese Scientists Investigating Mermaid Mummy will now examine the antiseptic treatment used to keep the mummies in such pristine condition, as well as to conduct a DNA analysis to figure out what the artifact was composed of.
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Dr. Felix Chaosphere

Dr. Felix Chaosphere

Dr. Felix Chaosphere, a renowned and eccentric psychiatrist, is a master of unraveling the complexities of the human mind. With his wild and untamed hair, he embodies the essence of a brilliant but unconventional thinker. As a sexologist, he fearlessly delves into the depths of human desire and intimacy, unearthing hidden truths and challenging societal norms. Beyond his professional expertise, Dr. Chaosphere is also a celebrated author, renowned for his provocative and thought-provoking literary works. His written words mirror the enigmatic nature of his persona, inviting readers to explore the labyrinthine corridors of the human psyche. With his indomitable spirit and insatiable curiosity, Dr. Chaosphere continues to push boundaries, challenging society's preconceived notions and inspiring others to embrace their own inner tumult.
Xander Oddity

Xander Oddity

Xander Oddity, an eccentric and intrepid news reporter, is a master of unearthing the strange and bizarre. With an insatiable curiosity for the unconventional, Xander ventures into the depths of the unknown, fearlessly pursuing stories that defy conventional explanation. Armed with a vast reservoir of knowledge and experience in the realm of conspiracies, Xander is a seasoned investigator of the extraordinary. Throughout his illustrious career, Xander has built a reputation for delving into the shadows of secrecy and unraveling the enigmatic. With an unyielding determination and an unwavering belief in the power of the bizarre, Xander strives to shed light on the unexplained and challenge the boundaries of conventional wisdom. In his pursuit of the truth, Xander continues to inspire others to question the world around them and embrace the unexpected.
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