In the chilly ponds of The Swamp Park, South Carolina, about ten 9-foot-long alligators can be seen adopting a survival technique that might appear alarming at first.
"We have the alligators doing what they do — doing an amazing job at protecting themselves by sticking their noses up out of the water in the evening, allowing for the water to freeze around themselves, but still allowing themselves the ability to breathe," explained park manager George Howard.
This adaptation, where alligators freeze themselves with just their snouts sticking out, has been colloquially termed as 'gatorcicles.'
'Gatorcicle' - Alligator in frozen water with its snout out. Despite their seemingly dire situation, these predators are far from dead. They are merely bracing themselves against the winter chill. “Think of it as a cute little danger snorkel,” joked an employee, referencing the alligators' snouts protruding from the ice.
This behavior is known as brumation, a reptilian form of hibernation. As the South Carolina Aquarium points out, unlike mammals, alligators don't sleep deeply during this period. Instead, they slow their metabolic rate, becoming lethargic with occasional activities. Remarkably, they continue to drink but abstain from eating during the winter months.
The alligators’ instinct to survive the cold is incredibly precise. “The alligators instinctively know when the weather will drop and prepare by jutting their nose above the surface and suspending their body in the water,” the park manager elaborated.
This phenomenon is not limited to South Carolina. In Texas, where recent snowfall has been observed, similar scenes have unfolded. Eddie Hanhart, a TikTok user, captured the internet’s attention with a video of a Texan 'gatorcicle.'
“He is not dead; he is fully alive,” Hanhart assures in the video, which has garnered over 637,000 likes. He explains how the alligator reduces its heartbeat to three beats per minute during this state, waiting for the ice to thaw to bask in the sun.
These videos have sparked curiosity and concern among viewers. Many wonder if the alligators are dead or hibernating. The answer, as clarified by the Swamp Park & Outdoor Center, is neither. This survival strategy allows alligators to breathe even if the water freezes over.
The University of Texas at Austin’s Biodiversity Center sheds more light on this behavior. They told USA TODAY that "animals experience physiological changes similar to hibernation, but on warmer days, these animals will move about. This is because they rely on the environment to regulate their body temperature."
The sight of 'gatorcicles' may be unsettling, but it is a testament to the alligator's incredible adaptation skills. In the absence of human-like options to stay warm, these reptiles have developed a unique and effective method to survive the harsh winter conditions. As temperatures drop, these cold-blooded creatures remind us of the resilience and ingenuity found in the animal kingdom.