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Freaky Discoveries That Will Leave You Wondering What Else Is Out There

These freaky discoveries that will leave you wondering what else is out there range from strange creatures to bizarre artifacts, and they all serve as a reminder that there is still so much left to uncover and understand about our world and beyond.

Author:Morgan Maverick
Reviewer:Professor Jhiz
Apr 26, 2023
Throughout history, there have been numerous freaky discoveries that have left scientists, researchers, and the general public alike questioning what else could be out there.
These freaky discoveries that will leave you wondering what else is out thererange from strange creatures to bizarre artifacts, and they all serve as a reminder that there is still so much left to uncover and understand about our world and beyond.

Bizarre And Unexplained Discoveries

Check out these freaky discoveries that will leave you wondering what else is out there:


One such discovery is the coelacanth, a fish that was thought to be extinct for over 65 million years. The coelacanth is a rare and prehistoric fish that was once thought to be extinct. Its discovery was a major scientific breakthrough that shook the world of paleontology and evolutionary biology.
The coelacanth has a unique history that spans hundreds of millions of years. It is a member of the family Latimeriidae and is considered to be one of the oldest living lineages of vertebrates.
The earliest known coelacanth fossils date back to the Devonian period, which occurred around 410 million years ago. At this time, the coelacanth was already an advanced fish with several unique features, including its lobed fins and its ability to move its fins independently.
For centuries, the coelacanth was believed to be extinct. Fossils of the fish were found in rocks that were millions of years old, and no living specimens had been seen for over 65 million years.
The coelacanth was thought to have disappeared during the mass extinction event that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period, which wiped out the dinosaurs and many other species.
Coelacanth fish in sea
Coelacanth fish in sea

Tully Monster

Another freaky discovery is the Tully monster, a strange prehistoric creature that lived in Illinois over 300 million years ago. The Tully monster is a mysterious and fascinating creature that was discovered in 1955 in the Mazon Creek fossil beds in northeastern Illinois.
The Tully monster's fossils are from the Pennsylvanian period, around 300 million years ago. The animal was named after its discoverer, Francis Tully, who was a collector and amateur fossil hunter.
The Tully monster's body was about a foot long, and it had a distinctive long proboscis that extended out from its head. The proboscis had a sharp claw-like structure at the end, which some scientists believe may have been used for hunting or digging. The Tully monster also had large, bulbous eyes and a series of fins along its body that helped it move through the water.
For decades, scientists were puzzled by the Tully monster's classification. It didn't fit neatly into any known animal groups, and its unique features left many scratching their heads. Some theories suggested that it may have been related to worms, snails, or even cephalopods like squid or octopus.

Gulf Of Cambay

In 1999, a team of divers discovered an underwater city off the coast of India that dates back to at least 5,000 years ago. The city, known as the Gulf of Cambay, was found in the Arabian Sea and contains buildings, roads, and other structures.
The Gulf of Cambay, located on the western coast of India, is an area that has gained attention in recent years due to the discovery of ancient ruins and artifacts that suggest the possibility of a lost civilization.
This area, also known as the Gulf of Khambhat, was once a thriving trading center for the Harappan civilization, one of the earliest known urban civilizations in the world, which flourished in the Indus River Valley between 2600 and 1900 BCE.
In 2001, a team of oceanographers, led by Dr. S.R. Rao, discovered a series of submerged structures in the Gulf of Cambay that were estimated to be over 9,000 years old. The structures, which were discovered at depths of up to 120 feet, included walls, staircases, and columns, as well as pottery, human remains, and tools.
The discovery caused a great deal of controversy among archaeologists, as it challenged the commonly accepted view that civilization first emerged in the fertile crescent of the Middle East. The structures in the Gulf of Cambay were dated to a period that predates the earliest known civilizations in the Middle East by several thousand years.
Further studies have suggested that the structures may be even older than originally thought. In 2012, researchers from the Indian National Institute of Oceanography conducted a new survey of the area and identified additional structures that were estimated to be over 10,000 years old.
While the discovery of the structures in the Gulf of Cambay has been celebrated by some as evidence of a lost civilization, others remain skeptical. Some argue that the structures may have been formed by natural processes, such as erosion or underwater landslides, and that the artifacts and human remains found in the area may have been washed into the Gulf from nearby land.

King Tutankhamun's Tomb

In 1922, a British archaeologist named Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. The discovery of King Tut's tomb was a sensation at the time, as it was one of the most intact and well-preserved tombs ever found. The tomb contained a wealth of treasures, including gold, jewelry, and furniture, and it shed new light on the culture and religion of ancient Egypt.
Tutankhamun was the last ruler of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, and he ascended to the throne at a young age, around 9 years old. He died around 1323 BC, at the age of 18 or 19, and was buried in a tomb that was later discovered by the English archaeologist Howard Carter.
Carter had been searching for the tomb for years, and in 1922, he finally found it. The tomb was located in the Valley of the Kings, which is a narrow valley on the west bank of the Nile in Luxor, Egypt. The valley contains tombs of many pharaohs and their consorts from the New Kingdom period.
The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered on November 4, 1922, after weeks of careful excavation. The entrance to the tomb was found to be sealed with mud bricks, and inside, the tomb was filled with treasures and artifacts.
The most famous artifact discovered in the tomb was the gold funerary mask of King Tutankhamun. The mask, made of solid gold, weighs 24 pounds and is adorned with precious stones such as lapis lazuli and turquoise. The mask is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of ancient Egyptian art.
Inside of King Tutankhamun's tomb
Inside of King Tutankhamun's tomb

Nazca Lines In Peru

Perhaps one of the freakiest discoveries of all time is the Nazca Lines in Peru. The Nazca Lines are a series of enormous geoglyphs etched into the arid desert plains of southern Peru.
They cover an area of nearly 1,000 square kilometers and were created by removing the reddish-brown iron oxide-coated pebbles that cover the surface of the Nazca desert, revealing the light-colored earth underneath.
The lines are so large that they can only be seen clearly from the air, leading to the speculation that they were created as part of a ritual or astronomical calendar by the ancient Nazca people, who inhabited the area from around 400 BCE to 650 CE.
The exact purpose of the Nazca Lines remains a mystery, but several theories have been put forward. Some researchers believe that the lines were created as part of an astronomical calendar, with the figures representing the constellations or the movements of the sun and the moon. Others believe that the lines were created as part of a ritual, with the figures representing deities or symbols of fertility.

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What Is The Most Recent Freaky Discovery?

There have been several recent freaky discoveries, such as the discovery of a new species of ancient human in the Philippines, and the discovery of a giant void inside the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

What Are The Nazca Lines And Why Are They Considered A Freaky Discovery?

The Nazca Lines are a series of giant geoglyphs etched into the desert floor in Peru, dating back to 500 BCE. The purpose and meaning of these designs is still unknown, leading to speculation about their creation by ancient aliens or a lost civilization.

What Is The Significance Of The Discovery Of The Coelacanth?

The coelacanth is a deep-sea fish once thought to be extinct since the time of the dinosaurs. Its discovery in 1938 was a major scientific breakthrough, leading to new insights into the evolution and development of marine life. The coelacanth is also considered a "living fossil," providing a link between ancient and modern species.


These freaky discoveries remind us that there is still so much to learn about our planet and the universe beyond. These freaky discoveries that will leave you wondering what else is out there challenge our understanding of history and the natural world and remind us that there is always more to discover.
As technology advances and new discoveries are made, it will be exciting to see what other freaky and fascinating discoveries await us in the future.
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Morgan Maverick

Morgan Maverick

Morgan Maverick is an unorthodox news reporter driven by an insatiable hunger for the truth. Fearless and unconventional, he uncovers hidden narratives that lie beneath the surface, transforming each news piece into a masterpiece of gritty authenticity. With a dedication that goes beyond the boundaries of conventional journalism, Morgan fearlessly explores the fringes of society, giving voice to the marginalized and shedding light on the darkest corners. His raw and unfiltered reporting style challenges established norms, capturing the essence of humanity in its rawest form. Morgan Maverick stands as a beacon of truth, fearlessly pushing boundaries and inspiring others to question, dig deeper, and recognize the transformative power of journalism.
Professor Jhiz

Professor Jhiz

Professor Jhiz brings fun to teaching anatomy. Born in China, she shares her fascination for how the body works. Students say her lectures are lively with jokes and stories. She draws cartoon diagrams that highlight structures creatively. Professor seeks to inspire curiosity and joy in anatomy. She treats each class like a show using props and costumes. When not teaching, Jhiz enjoys karaoke and novelty socks. Her goal is passing on a spirit of wonder to students.
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